Difficult Questions You will need to Try to ask yourself – Have you been Spiritually Lost?


Are you seeking for answers but don’t know exactly where to start? Do you really feel spiritually lost? There is certainly so much information offered by our fingertips, yet it’s hard for our particular brain to filter through volumes of information. Plus the internet: if you attempt a search upon the wordbikeyou’d probably be inundated with variousvarieties of bikes“, “brands of bikes“, “colors of bikes“, and not to mentionfunctions of bikes“. The same can be stated for anyone who are honestly trying to find the truth on gaining eternal salvation. The information age we exist in has made it uncomplicated to educate yourself on in regards to an array religions, an individual can literally have his pick. Essentially the world has exploded with information, making it difficult to unravel truth about God and eternal salvation. If you’re hunting for something to assist through your hunt for answers, the path to Salvation is typically a workbook you need to have in your collection.
Journey to Salvation allows the reader to challenge the roots of the core spiritual beliefs. In describing the Apostasy (abandonment of one’s religion) considering the Last Days, Apostle Paul said men would bealways learning but rarely willing to acknowledge the reality.” (2 Tim. 3:7). How true! Sometimes gaining knowledge can make it hard to filter the basic truth. Journey to Salvation forces first to delve deep within their own self to find the basis from their spiritual belief. Have you been spiritual beliefs dependent on truth or lies?
What exactly is truth? Jesus said, “Everyone who is of the Truth [who serves as a friend of the Truth, who is one amongst the Truth] hears and minds My voice.” (John 18:37). You will find individuals who think that Christianity is not really the only way to eternal salvation, rejecting out right the Bible and Jesus. The reason this is so? Why does one realize that there is no God? Why does one reject shun Him and reject His Word? This world is so accepting of historical documents on ancient civilizations (Greek, Romans, and Egyptians) the fact that the information and facts is found in school text books. Yet for some people strange reason, the Bible, that have supporting archaeological and historical data, is held to a different standard. The Bible has actually been dissected and held with a magnifying glass, and are still has successfully been proven true.
Ignoring the reality of one’s Bible makes it simpler to validate one’s immoral behavior. Of course, how dare God show you the way you should live by imposing rules and commandments at your life? Because we have a home in these terror filled days, a person must humble themselves and heed the idea of of God. Tomorrow is not just guaranteed to anyone. However, if you have the will to learn the foremost incredible and amazing book at some point in time, relaxation and security will follow you all of the times of your daily life. Even more, we have to build life upon the Bible because we basically understand what is resulting. God has warned us as to what would be to come. Journey to Salvation will provide light along side the path as part of your surf for Christ. Should you not believe in the salvation of Christ, I challenge you to take time to give yourself the occasion to learn the evidence, go through the exercises and honestly think about, “Why don’t I feel?” The final results may surprise you. What do people have to lose?

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