Understanding Spiritual Counsulting



We cannot force individuals to select a different path. All we can easily do is plant seed in order that they might look to become self sustaining within their own spiritual walk. Giving the individual the responsibility for his or her own spiritual growth is very important when it comes to their success.
I am not talking conceit, nor am I referring to narcissism. I am talking about allowing one’s self to become loved and understanding that we happen to be indeed merit God’s love.
Once we overcome this hurdle our spiritual awakening can begin, so we can then set about to understand just not only what walking in Love means, but truly knowing what God’s Love is present in our souls.
Before I go any further I need to first preface the thing or object I’m going to explain here.
I’m don’t denouncing Christianity, nor the teachings of a given Christ. Although my spirit walk is not Christian, I don’t believe that my spiritual beliefs are considered the ultimate answer to spiritual matters. My walk is mine, your walk does this apply to you, regardless of how we would differ, in some regards we can accept to disagree but yet have a home in harmony. I am personally using Christianity here only as an example, yet i refer to all organized religions.
Most religions are fear based. In my humble opinion simply because of man’s influences not Gods. Fear is taught to individuals for being means to keep them away inline and to control them, or produce certain out comes in societies. Fear has been applied for many by not only religious leaders but by political leaders along with you. Because of this indoctrination we are alarmed by God, and instead of going to God in Love we found God skeptical because of a pair that happen if we do not. This isn’t proper spiritual living. God cannot reside where fear exists. For God is Love.
Everyone has been taught that their only way to obtain spiritual enlightenment is by using the lyrics and certain teachings of other people. This is where religious and spiritual people separate. If religion were taught properly, people will not have the call for constant supervision to ensure that they’re following certain doctrines based on another person’s beliefs. I recommend that when a person learns to know and understand God’s Love, they will be able to indeed be self sustaining. Their only need could well be then to unite with other similar temperament believers for praise or sometimes fellowship.
True spiritual enlightenment received from God’s Love, not man-made doctrines. When the people with this world were united in God’s Love as a substitute for religious doctrines, we would overcome all of the evil there is certainly to get over. In order for other people to identify that God does indeed dwell with these hearts, they have to first see the instance we live by walking every day in LOVE.
A quality daily exercise for getting a one is to obtain up every morning and appear yourself among the eye within a mirror and say, “You’ve built a decent amount of success as a person (your company’s name here), I love you and God loves you“. Sounds silly? You are trying this regularly to produce a month and therefore you will discover the transformation. Then feel the transformation. After which live the transformation.
Before we are able to minister or counsel anyone else we must first minister and counsel to ourselves. The majority of folks can spot a fraud within the heartbeat. In case you don’t feel the proclivity for yourself within your own heart and soul, you can never sow the seed in others so that they could begin their transformation they should get.
Self loathing happens to be the poison of self destruction. I’ve a policeman for nearly 24 years now. I know of countless acts of violence, abuse, alcoholism, addiction to drugs as well as having the pain it all inflicts. Most typical thread that runs through the whole network is most people do not like themselves. Every alcoholic, every drug addict, Relating to had the prospect to speak with has claimed precisely the same thing, “I hate myself.” And therein lies the reason behind of their most debilitating circumstance. In my life Relating to had to re-evaluate myself outlook. I too have possessed to overcome many years of self loathing induced by childhood trauma, and later in everyday life self inflicted abuse. To bring a deep look within ourselves serves as a scary thought. To in fact do so is, actually, a journey straight into the unknown.
We frequently have no trouble stating where others fall short, yet to hold that mirror of self reflection before ourselves will often be something we will not do. To dissect our own ego to make sure that we might overcome the excellent the nasty as well as having the ugly of them available all is basically a trek into becoming more self-aware. But this allows us to overcome just not only our own self inflicted fears but those fears imposed upon us by others. Because we bring to a lot of years walked in fear we become comfortable in its presence. Its fetters have often become too familiar and too comfortable. And being creatures that hate change; changing our outlook to just one of adoration is certainly not one that will occur overnight. We did not develop this mind set for 24 hours so changing takes time. But it often is changed. We cannot depend on others to change it concerning. There is virtually no potion, or magic wand to wave and also make it change. All it takes is a desire within our souls so as to modify, and then the daily practice of claiming what has always meant to be ours in God.

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