Spirituality Or Religion!



Religion is man-made, Spirituality is God given. This I am positive with certainty.
We are all spiritual beings. We were born like that. After we were put with this earth, our Creator left a bit spark inside us that connects us all together and to Her/Him.
On a quantum level, we all have been energy. Too, everything inside the Universe is energy. Even things which are intangible like thoughts are energy. The whole thing vibrates at different frequencies. One of the main reasons why we can see a chair (which happens to be still all energy) is due to it vibrates on a frequency most of us can indeed see and touch. To feel that we’re not spiritual could possibly be only a viewpoints. We simply cannot help but be part of the Universal energy.
Religion, on the other hand, is man-made. There is one God and a huge quantity of of belief systems, around three or four different faith structures. So that changes every day. Even with these many and diverse religions, all of them serve the same purpose. Or at least, originally they served exactly the same purpose. People face issues daily with health, safety and mortality. It’s these daily challenges that keeps religion alive. We desire to know where did we begin, that are we, that is there a life after death. We hope to get the answers to these questions from religion.
In the centuries that humans have been a part of religion, the dogmas connected with them, haven’t left room for science. Wars are being fought everyday in the name of religion. Religion has grown to be a tool for politics plus a channel control over most people. How unfortunate it can be for those people who have found to and trusted the churches for so long.
However, churches insure the humanitarian service in so many places and it is where camaraderie is offered to all or any. The microcosms of the church provide havens.
As people in general it is hard for we not to put belief systems around things. For one example, many people who call themselves spiritual in preference to religious have a viewpoints attached to their spirituality. How do we not? Spiritual folks that are none denominational meet together regularly to explore their thoughts and feelings toward the Universal Intelligence and Energy of their total Being. They offer themselves a name, our balustrade systems recognizable. Some might call that a religion.
Spirituality, on the other hand is everywhere. It can be in the red morning sky plus the heron that perches upon the sand. It has been in music and arithmetic. It can be in their soul.
My advise for your requirements is usually to check out church when it impacts on life within a positive way. If not, find another avenue. I suggest you do whatever feels right and good according to your needs as part of your spiritual journey. Constantly be open-minded. Nothing is ever carved in stone.
I am Janet Robinson. I have been a student of non-public development of her adult life and I love to write about it. I’ve a website totally committed to self-esteem and the way it effects everything we say and do. It is a fantastic website nonetheless i am really proud of it. Find out about how life are effected by how we perceive about ourselves and learn methods to make changes in your circle to build towards living the very best life you could possibly. My greatest joy in life continues to be able to help someone get to know what means most to them in your life and discovering the enjoyment and fulfillment extracted from

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